Where to Buy Tahini
By Bill Bradley, R.D.
Updated March 18, 2024
The other day, I went into a supermarket I don’t usually shop at looking for tahini. I asked a cashier where I could find tahini. “What’s tahini?”, was her reply. After a quick “never mind,” I went to ask someone else and got the same response. I ended up asking 3 store employees and no one knew what tahini was, not to mention where I could find it. This has happened to me many times over the years, so I thought I would write this little guide on “where to buy tahini”. Here is where to buy tahini for your hummus, halva, dressing and cookie recipes:
Where to Buy Tahini
Large Supermarkets, Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, Food Co-ops
Most large supermarkets will have tahini, it’s just a matter of finding it. Usually, it is near the other nut butters (peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter, etc.). Sometimes, it is in the “healthy” or “natural foods” section. It can also be located in the “ethnic” section if there is one usually in the Mediterranean, Middle Eastern or Greek specialty areas.
Mediterranean Markets: Middle Eastern and Greek
If there are any Mediterranean markets near you, you will be able to find tahini. The other benefit of buying it in these markets is that everyone will know what tahini is. They may even have some recipes for you! If you don’t know if you have any of these markets in your area you can go to Yelp and type in “Mediterranean Supermarket” or use the terms “Lebanese, Greek, Egyptian, Middle Eastern markets”
If you live in a remote area where there are no large or specialty stores then you can always purchase online. If you have Amazon Prime you can usually get your tahini delivered within a day or two. You also have more choice if you use Amazon and can often get tahini delivered to you for less money than it would cost you to buy it at the store.
Bill Bradley, R.D. says:
Bill Bradley, R.D. says:
Bill Bradley, R.D. says: