U.S. News and World Report votes the Mediterranean Diet the #1 Plant Based Diet!
By Bill Bradley, R.D.
Updated October 21, 2021
It seems strange to compare the Mediterranean Diet to other diets such as Weight Watchers and the Biggest Loser. The Mediterranean Diet is much more of a lifestyle and permanent way of eating than an actual “diet”. It has been around for thousands of years with proven rates of high longevity and low disease rates.
That being said, in the latest U.S. News and World Report Diet Report, the Mediterranean Diet has rated very well against other diets and scored number one in comparison to other plant based diets.
So, what does it mean to come in number one in plant based diets? Simply this: The cultures around the world that eat plant based diets are the ones that live the longest and have the lowest rates of disease. This would include people who live in Mediterranean countries and most Asian countries.
Also, according to the U.S. News report, the Mediterranean Diet scores 3rd place as the best diet overall. Why not #1 you ask? Well, it rates lower than some others on weight loss. Again, this diet is meant to be a way of being for life, not a temporary weight loss plan. Our culture is so obsessed with weight loss that we often forget about every other important piece of our health. If you are on a weight loss plan that is restrictive or let’s you only eat twinkies for an hour after lunch than you are on a plan that might help you temporarily lose weight but won’t be contributing to your long term health.
There have been studies that have shown the Mediterranean Diet is an effective way to lose weight and keep it off. It might not rate as high as other more commercial diets for weight loss, but it beats all the others when it comes to overall health.
The Mediterranean Diet also scored very well as being effective for diabetes and heart disease.
Here is the whole U.S. News and World Report article.
If you want to explore more about the Mediterranean Diet than subscribe to this website or like us on Facebook and come with us on a lifetime of adventure.
Click here for a traditional Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan.
Click here for 7 traditional Mediterranean Diet Breakfasts.
Winter LeBlanc says:
Bill Bradley, R.D. says:
Winter LeBlanc says: