Parsley: The Unsung Hero

By Christine Dutton
Updated April 15, 2014

Parsley doesn’t have the glamorous reputation of some other native Mediterranean herbs. You could say it’s an unsung hero with lots of star qualities, like brightening just about any dish, being incredibly versatile and inexpensive to boot. We love adding parsley into our pestos and it really makes your pasta and seafood dishes shine.

Like all Mediterranean herbs, Parsley is packed full of nutrients. And Parsley also affords health benefits like lowering blood pressure and improving kidney function. Studies also show that Parsley may have a role in inhibiting cancerous tumors. And, why not soothe your digestive system with a nice cup of Parsley Tea. Here is a Parsley Tea recipe from Bespoke Spices. 

Visitors to The Old Farmer’s Almanac give Parsley a great rating and offers some excellent suggestions for starting, growing, harvesting and storage of Parsley. Speaking of storing Parsley, we think Parsley is one of the longest lasting fresh herbs-as hearty as any a kale or swiss chard we know.

Click here for Farmer’s Almanac tips and some great recipes such as Parsley Dumplings. 

Food & Wine Magazine is with us on this matter of parsley and published a great article about parsley with a list of great Mediterranean Style recipes.

Pop on by to Food & Wine to check out the article and recipes.



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